Saturday, November 15, 2014

The reflection is its own blurred dream

I did some walking today, over two hours. The flu symptoms are easing, and I got a full night's sleep, which feels good.

These photographs were taken yesterday evening, testing out how the LX100 performs when it is dark. Compared to the LX3 and LX5 it is astonishing how capable the camera is. These were taken using a mini-tripod: 1 second exposure at ISO 1600. I have managed to take with the LX100 handheld photographs at 0.5...0.8 second exposure so that the results are reasonably blur-free. It is possible to explore dark things which were out of reach of the older cameras.

(Posting title is from the poem Winter Journal: Fish Rises, Dark Brown Muscle Turns Over by Emily Wilson.)

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