Wednesday, February 6, 2013

To hold my real life at a distance

We got a lot of snow yesterday, almost 15 cm, and today we got some more. The depth of snow measurement at Helsinki Vantaa airport is 73-75 cm, which corresponds quite well with what one sees around here.

Tomorrow I'm planning to commute by train, which is a change from the normal, but that should be ok as there is no big snowfall forecasted for tomorrow. Trains have had occcasional problems with show here in the Helsinki region.

I have been reading a biography of Billy Bragg, of whom I knew next to nothing, but the photograph on the cover of the book got me interested. It took some time until I realized I did know Mermaid Avenue, so there. (The book is by Andrew Collins, Still Suitable for Miners: Billy Bragg, revised and updated edition.)

These photographs were taken yesterday. I did some shoveling of snow, and then I went for a walk, rather late in the evening.

(Posting title is from the poem How It Adds Up by Tony Hoagland.)

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