Thursday, February 14, 2013

I remember the whole crowd uplifted

Yesterday I wrote that I'm sitting too much, and it is true. I suspect this is a universal phenomenon, the increase of meetings. Like a law: there is always room for new meetings to solve the problems the earlier meetings left unresolved.

I think that I'm relatively lucky as regards the number of hours I spend sitting in meetings weekly, despite being a member of numerous steering groups, working groups etc. But sometimes the meetings pile up, and then I get stiff, especially in the back, aching a little bit all over. Sometimes almost all day is spent in meetings, with only a short break in between.

Luckily I have a standing desk in my office, which can be raised or lowered by pressing a button, and I almost always use it in the up position, standing up when writing e-mails or memos etc.

I took these photographs yesterday when going for a walk rather late in the evening. And yes, I'm writing this posting while sitting at the computer. A little bit of irony here?

(Posting title is from the poem Sitting with Others by Rodney Jones.)

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