Monday, April 23, 2012

Double, double toil and trouble

I have cars, train, bicycles, boats in these photographs. I'm planning to start commuting by bicycle tomorrow, have to see how it goes. It is 16 km to the Ministry, and the same back, so in the beginning I'm planning to ride the bike to work and return by bus, and vice versa.

(Posting title is from Song of the Witches by William Shakespeare.)


Markus Spring said...

So the first image might be an excellent visualisation of your trips by bike - a human being between concrete and steel. I did a lot of commuting by bike myself over about the same distance - with nokia spike tires in the winter.

Juha Haataja said...

@Markus: I passed quite near the place shown in the first photograph, so you are right, it was a visualization.

However, the route was actually quite pleasant, as it followed for a long time the railway tracks, going across some parks and forested areas, where birds were singing.

Markus Spring said...

I always enjoyed commuting by bicyle, especially the way home: 45 minutes of pedaling made most of the daytime occurences return to their real size. And I was really healthy at that time, the immune system constantly working to heal muscles and doing the rest of the work more or less en passant.

Juha Haataja said...

@Markus: You are right, it is necessary to get going and forget work-related matters for a while. I felt much better afterwards, it is good for the body.