Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Black and white experiments

Marsh, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Fallen, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

Drops, originally uploaded by jiihaa.

I have continued to take b&w photographs. These were taken yesterday near the Halkolampi lake in the Luukki area in Espoo. We picked some blueberries and raspberries (and a couple cloudberries), and had a nice walk.

One interesting aspect of b&w photography is the importance of texture. I have a feeling that there are cases when the texture is the most important part of the image. Also, as b&w images tend to be more abstract than color images, the forms and their relations became important.


Steve Skinner said...

The tones are so subtle, great job!

Juha Haataja said...

Thanks - the Panasonic LX3 has "dynamic b&w" film mode which seems to work well with subjects such as these.